Més informació [ Detall d'activitat

9006510500   YOGA AND EDUCATION. Yoga-based techniques in the foreign language classroom
2016-2017   Curs. Internivells: Ed. Infantil-Primària-Secundària
   3/7/2017 - 7/7/2017 (30 hores) de 9:00h a 15:00h
   ESC Rambleta del Clot
   c. Aragó, 620 (Barcelona) 
Format   Presencial
Organització   Servei de Formació i Desenvolupament Professional del Personal
Accessos   METRO (Línia 1)
Estació CLOT (Sortida Av. Meridiana)
Correspondència METRO (Línia 2)
Correspondència RENFE

Veure plànol

Inscripció   15/05/2017 - 31/05/2017
Descripció i   Metodologia:   Throughout this workshop, participants will experience yoga practices which will help them improve their pupils’ attention, cooperation, memory and concentration as well as to stimulate multiple intelligences. The RYE methodology, which was born in France more than 30 years ago, allows students to improve their cognitive, emotional and social abilities.

During the first three days, a project work will be developed. Teachers are expected to build up a character (person or animal) helped by yoga techniques. Then, write a story/tale and share their production.

On the fourth the participants will experiment a guided relaxation-Yoga Nidra and see the application of different relaxation techniques in the language classroom.

On the last session different activities addressed to ESO students will be carried out through yoga techniques. The four skills will be dealt with from a yoga perspective.
Objectius   1.To use Yoga techniques to improve attention, concentration and self-confidence
2.To be aware of the importance of our body and brain in the process of learning
3.To experience the benefits of relaxation for teachers and students
4.To consolidate communication abilities/skills and to develop oral and memorizing skills
Continguts   •Introduction to brain functions and personal experience on relaxation.
•Practice of exercises focused on: developing cooperation in class; improvement of memory and attention; facilitation of oral expression and creativity.
•Brush up face/body/descriptions in vocabulary and invent a personal character.
•Language steps in building up a story/tale: introduction, developing and ending.
•Developing attention while reading.
•Boosting oral skills: fluency, pronunciation...
•Experiencing a cross-curricular activity: A Day in Egyptian Times.
•Learning about a mythological figure: Arjuna
•Self-reflection on personal English language acquisition.

The course will be divided into:
-Day 1. What RYE is /The Patanjali scale + Project work
-Day 2. Continue with the development of the Project
-Day 3. Conclusions on the project and evaluation
-Day 4: Yoga Nidra and the application of relaxation techniques in the classroom
-Day 5: Experiencing a wide range of English activities through yoga. ESO level.

Observacions   Participants are required to bring a yoga mat and a blanket, comfortable clothes, colour pencils, sheets of paper

Formador/a   Sònia Carrasco, Eulàlia Muñoz, M. Josefa Rabat, Encarnación Romero
Avaluació   Briefly explain the task(s) that participants will have to develop in order to show achievement of your course objectives, considering the transfer to the classroom.

The evaluation of the first part of the course will be carried out by means of a presentation of the tale/story invented.
The participants will also be assessed on providing personal examples on the application of yoga-based relaxation techniques.
They will also have to fill in a questionnaire.

Requisits de  certificació   Briefly explain the task(s) that participants will have to develop in order to show achievement of your course objectives, considering the transfer to the classroom.

The evaluation of the first part of the course will be carried out by means of a presentation of the tale/story invented.
The participants will also be assessed on providing personal examples on the application of yoga-based relaxation techniques.
They will also have to fill in a questionnaire.

Persones  destinatàries   Primary, Secondary school and EOI teachers of English.
E-mail   estiullengues@xtec.cat

Generalitat de Catalunya
Departament d'Educació
Pla de formació permanent